![]() Here's a great recipe for clean eating! Could be a delicious breakfast or snack. I like adding a scoop of vanilla protein for post workout. Being prepared is key in clean eating, so I pre-packaged little baggies of the strawberries and bananas, all you have to do is add ice, milk and blend. Ingredients: 6 strawberries 1/2 banana 1 cup ice 1/2 cup milk (I use coconut) Nutrition: Carbs: 24g Protein: 5g Fat: 0g Calories: 120 Happy Superbowl Sunday!
The biggest food eating day next to Thanksgiving. Here are some tips to keep your day slightly healthy 1. Stay hydrated today, with all of the alcohol and sodium in your snacks, you're going to need a lot of water! 2. Eat a little dinner before heading out to a party, just enough to keep you full 3. Reach for the carrots or broccoli every time you grab a cookie or chicken wing 4. Guacamole is full of healthy fats and vitamins that lower your cholesterol, eat up! 5. Go for a baked chip instead of fried chip 6. Trail mix makes for a healthy, protein filled snack 7. It takes at least 20 minutes for you stomach to tell your brain you're full, eat slowly! 8. Most important- it's only one day of eating snacks. Don't get down on yourself. Have a great time! Killer Arms Workout:
Complete each round resting 30-60 seconds in between sets before moving onto the next round. 4 sets 8-10 reps: Dumbbell Bicep Curl Overhead Triceps Extension 3 sets: 15 Lateral Raise 20 Barbell Bicep Curl 4 sets: 20 Normal Width Pushups 30 Bodyweight dips 20 Wide Pushups 1. Grapefruit aids in weight loss: Grapefruit is high in enzymes that burn fat and it has a high water content, which causes fullness. Have some before a meal to help with getting full and burn fat while you eat
2. Grapefruit helps in cancer prevention: The pigment lycopene is responsible for the red color in grapefruit, it is powerful against cancer causing agents and tumors. Naringenin is also found in grapefruit and aids in DNA repair in prostate cancer cells. 3. The common cold: Grapefruit enhances the immune system, which helps your body fight off illnesses quicker. It also contains pectin, which boosts digestion. Grapefruit can interact negatively with those taking medication for high blood pressure or for lowering cholesterol, check with your doctor before consuming a grapefruit or juice. ![]() Our "Motivation Through Email" launches on January 12! Everyone who is a part of it will get either a fitness/nutrition tip, workout to try at home, new healthy recipe or some much needed motivation. All you need is to send in your email, pass the word along and try out some new workouts and recipes. You can start at any point, if you know anyone on their own fitness journey, pass the word along! Send us your email today along with your goals. Every Wednesday is Workout of the Day! Every Wednesday there'll be a new WOD up for you to try out and let me know how it went. HAVE FUN!
Weight loss isn't easy. If it was, we'd all look amazing and have the body we want. I'm not here to tell you it's easy, or that it'll come quickly. It takes work, sometimes some very hard work. I am here to answer an questions you have and guide you along the way of your weight loss journey. Here are some short tips to keep in mind:
If you have more questions or would like some more tips email or text me! And remember, we all started somewhere.